Our mission derives from a shared passion for (re)creating the look and feel of age, not to mention history, in furniture and decor-
ative arts pieces. It is born of a rich, well-
informed background.
We conserve what exists now of the piece you bring us. We restore what was to make it look as it did then. We custom reproduce when starting anew as the best route to reclaiming the past. Factors such as the diverse choice of old woods we inventory are critical here. As is our deep knowledge of chemistry, particularly with historic finishes subject to organic breakdown. Plus our commitment to revers-
ibility, allowing for an even better possible solution at a future time.
75-plus years hands-on

Our 75 years of aggregate, hands-on experience in preserving your century-old artifact is manifest always. Put simply, we appreciate and embrace antiquity. Visiting Bodine Conservations, you will see this in every detail of our workshop and the 19th century barn housing it. Inspiration and craft run deep here.
Our steady workflow comes repeatedly from those throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, even beyond, who consider us business partners or virtual family members. We share the intrinsic value and aesthetic of each piece they, or those they refer, bring to us.
The old world way
Our craft is one that will never be done by computers or robotics, one that cannot be done quickly and superficially. Rather, it is one that can only be practiced the steady, low-tech, old-world way.
Relationships at Bodine Conservations endure. Our outcomes are predictable. Our constancy is enviable. Our reputation, all 30-plus years of it, is estimable (we’re told).
We welcome you and your project into our ongoing success story.